Saturday, June 13, 2009

Old-Fashioned Fun

Hello! (Or as we say in Korea, an nyoung!)


Here’s one thing I didn’t know: when you go to Korea, you’re there the moment you step on the plane. Before I even had a moment to blink, my Korean adventure had begun.


That’s later though. First things first: the airport.


Upon my arrival at the airport, I quickly made it through check-in with more than enough time to spare. Three hours on my hands and nothing to do – it was time for a drink:


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That’s one of my all time favorites: the Old-Fashioned. Enjoy this recipe, just the way I like it:


Justin’s Korean-Style Old-Fashioned - It’s anything but! (Lots of Laughs!)


Here’s what you’ll need:


-   1 sugar cube

-   3 dashes Angostura bitters

-   Club soda

-   2 ounces rye whisky

-   2 chopsticks


And here’s how you make the magic happen:


Place the sugar cube (or 1/2 teaspoon loose sugar) in an Old-Fashioned glass. Wet it down with 2 or 3 dashes of Angostura bitters and a short splash of water or club soda. Crush the sugar with the chopsticks. Rotate the glass so that the sugar grains and bitters give it a lining. Add a large ice cube. Pour in the rye (or bourbon). Serve with a stirring rod.




Four Old-Fashioneds and a Xanax later, it was time to hit the skies! Speaking of being in open air, as soon as we hit the runway, it was time to forget our western ways and put on the traditional Korean garb:


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Better safe than SARS-y!


After we hit the ground, I grabbed my bags after a quick Old-Fashioned at the bar, and headed out to meet my ride for the next two months:


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I’m writing this post in the car on the way to the hotel (it has wi-fi built in because, you know, Korea). Hopefully check-in goes as smoothly, so I can get back to exploring a city that I feel has real Seoul… and if I play my cards right some hot Pyongyang, if you know what I mean! (You do not know what I mean.)


For now that’s all the 뉴스 that’s fit to 인쇄!


In the meanwhile, I’ll leave you with a new feature I like to call Justin Trax: a Korean soundtrack (best enjoyed with an Old-Fashioned) -


Oh Snap!! - Party All the Time (Eddie Murphy Cover)


  1. Dear Justin,
    I have invented a device that allows you to enjoy your old-fashioned while keeping your SARS mask on. It involves 1 chopstick and the beer funnel that Spojo bought Claire for Secret Santa. List price is $69.99, with an additional $69.99 shipping and handling to Korea.

  2. You joke about the cars, but I actually saw a police car at the airport with a security camera on it's roof next to a neon light up sign that had scrolling advertisements.
