Thursday, June 11, 2009

Welcome to my travel blog!

Hello! Greetings from Princeton, New Jersey!

As many of you know, next week I’ll be leaving the country until August to visit my homeland of Korea. This is an exciting opportunity for me, but with great power comes great responsibility. This means I will be without Blackberry Messenger for over two (2) months. I may be thousands of miles away from you all, but fret not because I’m going to be recounting my pacific adventures right here on this blog: Justin in Korea. I won’t depart for a few more days, so I thought I might take this inaugural blog post to answer a few questions I’ve been hearing a lot lately.


Q: Why Korea? Why now?

A: A good question, with an answer to match: I am Korean. For many years I have reaped the benefits of my heritage. Kim Chi. Liquid Dinners. Starcraft. Partying with models. Partying with midgets. Partying with midget models. Hines Ward. In short, the good life. I anticipate this will continue in Korea.


Q: What won’t you be doing in Korea?

A: Not much, but a few things, including: Playing Halo (for noobs, would embarrass family), showering upright (difficult, unsanitary), and butt sex (gross).


Q: Will you be traveling to North Korea?

A: Why would I do that when I could just take a trip to the City (Township?) of Trenton, NJ? Just kidding! In North Korea you can pump your own gas.


Q: How often will you be updating your blog?

A: As often as needed! As the adventures come, so will the blogs! A threesome in the backseat of Steve Kim’s helicopter? You’ll hear it here first. A threesome while piloting Steve Kim’s helicopter? You’ll hear it here first. A threesome with Steve Kim and a helicopter? You’ll hear it here first.


Didn’t find the answer you were looking for? Let me know, and I’ll answer it in the next post! See you in Korea!


- Justin


  1. I'm only allowing this Blog to exist if you update it on a daily basis.

  2. Mustard, don't act as if you have any bearing at all as to whether or not this blog exists. Also, you are the king of condiments.
